
We know that our journey requires not only IVF but surrogacy as well. This is very costly. We are opening all doors and letting God establish our steps. We have completed grants and will wait to hear back. As soon as my husband returns from deployment, we will contact legal and financial advice through military Read More


When we talk about miscarriage and infertility, we often talk about the parents. The loss they have experienced. The long hard road they have ahead of them. We talk about the years of trying. The countless nights praying and crying. The tests, surgeries, medications, and plans. We give our condolences and prayers. But what about Read More

Small Steps

So how do you begin a surrogacy journey? Research, prayer, research, prayer, and more research. We have done so much research on the process, the cost, the steps, the risks, and the benefits, which ultimately outweigh everything because our benefit results in a sweet baby (or two) added to our family. Yes, you read that Read More