Small Steps

So how do you begin a surrogacy journey? Research, prayer, research, prayer, and more research. We have done so much research on the process, the cost, the steps, the risks, and the benefits, which ultimately outweigh everything because our benefit results in a sweet baby (or two) added to our family. Yes, you read that right, the chances of us adding not just one but two more babies are quite higher compared to natural conception. After months of research, prayer, and discussion, our next step was to begin securing funds. We have chosen to do this in a variety of ways. We have created a fundraiser, started saving as much as possible, and have been applying for grants and loans.  

We have finally been able to have our first consultation. We have gotten the initial labs and tests done; due to how expensive the entire surrogacy process can be and the possibility of relocating very soon, we have had to slow down the process a little. Therefore, we have decided to split it into two parts. First, Erick and I will proceed with our IVF and get embryos created and ready for transfer. Then, after we have completed this step, we will focus solely on our surrogate to make sure that the process is as smooth and relaxing as possible. This will involve both psych and medical evaluations, contracts, medications, and so much more, but each step gets us closer to having another sweet baby.

When it comes to the journey of parenthood, every step is exciting and filled with possibilities, dreams, and joy. Surrogacy is no different but mixed with all our happiness and excitement: worry, anxiety, pressure, and uncertainty. Will we ever reach our so precious goal? Will we be successful and be able to soon kiss our babe’s cheeks, tummy, and toes? Will we be able to afford this journey? And the best answer is I don’t know. I am genuinely uncertain. Transfers fail, and we know all too well that God sometimes has different plans and timelines. But, I know that God is with us every step of the way, and I will continue to trust in Him.

I will continue to be poked, prodded, and swabbed. I will continue to fill out application after application for grants, and let me tell you, these applications are no joke. But, I will continue to stand tall and speak out. I will fight for our baby because it is the most incredible fight I will face. I will continue to bring light to miscarriage, infertility, and surrogacy. Because a rainbow only comes after the storm.


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